Friday, February 6, 2009

woke up at 8, as usual. got busy uploading fb pics. talked to christine and kyle for a bit. 9:30, breakfast with halmuni. last of the gomtanggook, nice. then at 10, showered and wanted to head out by 11 so i'd be early to meet piano sunsengneem. grabbed some tissue paper and a vic's secret bag to put the white al paca wool scarf I got for her in Otavalo, and headed out by 11:05 nice timing! stupid rain, or rather, stupid windshield wipers are terrible. was on my way, looked like i'd be early (and i was driving under the speed limit!) when she called saying she'd be a bit late. it was nice to just sit in the car and listen to my ipod and see the dreary weather around remind me of winters past.

we went inside Chili's around 11:35, she was barely late. or at least i didn't notice, nor did i mind waiting. it felt good to be early. i'll have to work on that with Shmemmy. we ordered a quesadilla salad and mini buffalo chicken burgers + icedtea/strawberrylemonade. I was so busy talking that we didn't eat for a while even after the food came out. first topic to get out of the way was Byron. she was really happy for me, which means she could see my true emotions. showed her pictures from Ecuador, and talked a lot about the girls. christine and her cheating boyfriend, me being there for her which was nice to get closer again. Maddie, sweet and overpowered by somewhat spoiled pretty Jenny. Ditzy funny Kaitlin. excited to go back to school and see everyone, which is good that i can now invest more time in multiple relationships (these girls) rather than putting all my effort and energy into one (by). we talked a bit about family, i told her about halmuni. and also how my relationship with umma is rather sad. and how great it is with appa, how comfortable we can joke around.

the time went by way too fast and before i knew it she had to get going. I gave her the scarf and she seemed really touched that I would have thought to get her something, and I explained how sweet it was when she gave me a scarf when going away to college, and she MADE that, which requires a lot more time and effort than me simply buying something while in a foreign country. it was so good to catch up with her, even though i saw her less thana month ago and it was a brief meeting but still I'm really glad I got to see her.

Then i stopped by Stoneridge, I mean i was already over there might as well right? I totally forgot i meant to look for tennis shoes and ended up in Nordstrom (well, i needed a bathroom and the women's lounge there is always jeyeel kkeh kkeut hae.) just for kicks i tried on some turtlenecks and ended up really liking the strange colors, i don't have anything olive green and i don't know if i can pull the color off but it was on sale for 12$ and it was the last one left so hell, it must be cute. wandered through a few more stores, attempted to look at ipods but was saddened by prices so left at 2 PM for home. I was so paranoid about my tire popping after i drove over a (possible) pothole, couldn't tell from sight because of the rain, just thought i heard something and i was scared i was driving on a flat tire since the 3 times it happened senior year of highschool i couldn't tell. got home and tried to upload more fb pics, but ended up taking a nap.

woke up at 5 to a text from Kyle, warning he might text me after drinking. hmm.. sound familiar much? more fb, started researching netbooks. then umma was home around 6 and we went to Costco to check out the 299 acer aspire one 3 cell battery, even though i was pretty set on getting the 6 cell for 329 on amazon. so basically it was a waste of time going, but it was nice to see that umma is actually learning stuff from her wine class (well, it was pretty basic, probably anyone could have told me, but still. whatev.) chardonnay, pinot noir. grapes. yum. gotta go to napa when i'm 21. bailey's, reminded me of orgasmo at azuca's.

got home, played moonlight sonata for halmuni. then attempted reverie and clair de lune, faltered in both and she said make sure to only do it if i'm confident. jah sheen iisseumyun. i suppose i can apply that in other areas of my life as well. i was surprised she listened to all of moonlight though, it was nice. and she said she was lost in her thoughts and emotions? that was nice. music should be inspiring. nicenicnice. <3 halmuni.

then appa came home and we had dinner. yay for that chicken jjeem red but not spicy thing! and dwaenjangook, always good with just dooboo. after, got my laptop to buy the aspire netbook. contemplated for quite some time whether i wanted white or pink, and finally ended up getting the pink. only after placing the order did i find lots of images of the white and that it's the only shade that doesn't get ruined with fingerprints, damn. oh well, it'll be nice to have this girly snaz from rents. 329, exact same price as my white ipod 3 years ago. nice. and same timing, crazy! they're both supposed to be xmas presents and i get em a bit later. though the ipod was closer to march. wait, march isn't that far off. crazy.

gotta figure out summer and semester abroad. Tufts... speak of the devil. found an internship. just gotta get it. shikes.

how cool would it be if it worked out?

talked again with Christine. i told her about how i'm glad she's single and we can hang out and both of us can be indepdent and blah blah yeah you know. starting over, yay.

then sheforg too, saying it'll be better semester, just like old times frosh year.

it'll be a good time.

went to see ran at 9 pm. gave her the white scarf from the 2 girls on the bus. i'm glad she liked it, or she did a good job of seeming like she did. she even wore it out to the movies with Jon Green (and Andy Lee?/Diana) Coraline. I came back home to hang out with rents, supposedly to play gostop but appa and i just chilled on our comps while umma watched the "addicted" movie (slept, actually. surprise)

finished uploading fb pics, FINALLY! i feel accomplished, sadly enough. i must do all these personal statements and start getting teacher recs. gahhhh. must actually do stuff, this sucks.

please please let something work out. I will pray about Boston.

the wintry rainy weather makes me listen to music like Coldplay - Warning Sign and feel.. i don't know. hmmmmmmmmm.

i love being single. so free...

and the olive turtle neck is actually really soft and cute.

haha, i don't know how this train of thought is working.

time to pray.

oh, i forgot to mention. this was really saddening. on the way home from costco, tim - goh mah wut dah go came on, and umma was like, "this reminds me of the time we went to berkeley and saw him in concert! that was fun." and then "oh yeah and hollywood bowl was also a lot of fun. we've done a lot of jeh meet neun guh."
and i was so sad that I didnt feel the same way at all. I was so pissed when she came up to the concert at Cal. it was supposed to just be me ryan and ran, and she came and basically ruined it for me. i couldn't go back with them on BART or go out to eat with them. i had to drive back with umma. i was so upset. but i didn't want to ruin her time she was having. but i had so wanted to say, "why did you come?"
and the Hollywood bowl concert, i did that as a mother's day present.
I wish I could get along with her, willingly, not because i'm her daughter.

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